The JTMS2022 "Journées Théorie, Modélisation et Simulation 2022" will be happening at the Institut Chimique de Rennes on the 13th and 14th of October
The main aim of this conference is to gather researchers from modeling in physical chemistry. These meeting days are an opportunity to get to know each other better to favor synergies and collaborations. Moreover, it is a good moment for young researchers from French laboratories to get to know the scientific community arount them and identify opportunities to share knowlegde and know-how.
These days will be organized in communications of 20 minutes (including questions) in order to ensure an airy formula in which we remain strict on the speaking time to allow the maximum of discussion.
The language of the meeting is English.
Important dates
12/09/2022: deadline for the abstract submission
19/09/2022: abstracts selection and notification to speakers